Viewing Something buggy maybe? Can't get Vimeo embed to work as it should?

Something buggy maybe? Can't get Vimeo embed to work as it should?

User: Ben L. 8 years ago
Using an HTML snippet from the EverWeb Widget collection. Embed a clip from Vimeo. The privacy settings are 'anyone' and embed to a specific website (the website I'm building).

In the HTML snippet frame in EverWeb I'm seeing this:

"Sorry. Because of its privacy settings, this video cannot be played here. Watch on Vimeo."

Never had this issue before. I've checked the privacy settings a number of times. They seem to be set correctly ... anyone can see the video (no password required), and the video can be embedded to the website I'm building. Those are basically the settings in 'Privacy'.

Any thoughts on why this might not be working? I've got three other websites up and running where this works just fine.

User: Roddy 8 years ago
Try the Vimeo user forum. Here's a question very much like yours.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Ben L. 8 years ago
Hey Roddy. I'll go look at the Vimeo Forum. When I unchecked the embed-only-to-my-specific-website in the privacy settings, and left it at 'all', it worked fine. It didn't want to embed to only-a-specific-site. Will report back if the Vimeo article explains why this may be an issue, or offers a solution.
User: Ben L. 8 years ago
I think I've figured it out. I think this is happening with the 'Preview' version of the site, not the 'Online' version. I was going back and forth so much last night that I didn't make the connect. I'll see how things play out today.

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