Viewing Sharing a website on Everweb via Dropbox

Sharing a website on Everweb via Dropbox

User: Susan S. 8 years ago
Ok I've watched the video at least 10 times and have actually emailed with support on this a few times and I still have questions.

I tried sharing with a test site I made because I didn't want to maybe lose my client site with my ignorance on how to do this.

I've managed to drag and drop the project file to Dropbox and open it from there. Here are my questions:

1) When I am done making changes do I just click save and all of the changes I made to the site will be saved to the Dropbox file, I don't have to drag and drop anything again, correct?

2) The person I'm sharing this file with is new to Everweb. I know how to duplicate a site when it's in Everweb Projects Window but is there a way to duplicate it when it's in Dropbox?

What I want to do is every single time I make changes to it I'd like to duplicate the site before she works on it just in case she does something like deletes it or something, until I'm sure she has a good understanding of Everweb.

3) I don't know how to upload the file to the server... do I do that just as I'd normally do if I were working on a file from the Projects Window? Just click "Publish Site Changes?" (right now I'm putting it in a folder on my own website on Godaddy but her actual site will be hosted with Everweb I think)

4) Lastly, the file I made to test if I could figure out how to move it to Dropbox... is there some way to get it out of Dropbox and BACK into the projects window on Everweb?

Thank you,

User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
1) When I am done making changes do I just click save and all of the changes I made to the site will be saved to the Dropbox file, I don't have to drag and drop anything again, correct?

Yes, that is exactly how it works. Dropbox automatically syncs your website.

2) The person I'm sharing this file with is new to Everweb. I know how to duplicate a site when it's in Everweb Projects Window but is there a way to duplicate it when it's in Dropbox?

What I want to do is every single time I make changes to it I'd like to duplicate the site before she works on it just in case she does something like deletes it or something, until I'm sure she has a good understanding of Everweb.

You don't need to do this. Just make sure backups are enabled in the Preferences in EverWeb.

3) I don't know how to upload the file to the server... do I do that just as I'd normally do if I were working on a file from the Projects Window? Just click "Publish Site Changes?" (right now I'm putting it in a folder on my own website on Godaddy but her actual site will be hosted with Everweb I think)

Yes it exactly the same. There is no difference if the project file is on dropbox or not.

4) Lastly, the file I made to test if I could figure out how to move it to Dropbox... is there some way to get it out of Dropbox and BACK into the projects window on Everweb?

You can just drag and drop it from DropBox onto the Projects list in EverWeb and it will be put back into your Library folder and within EverWeb's project list.

EverWeb Developer

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