Viewing shapes and page expansion

shapes and page expansion

User: Cheryl V. 8 years ago
Hello wise using a master page with shapes on the sides as border images. is there a way to automatically extend the height of the border shape heights to match when the pages expand in height (due to added content)? otherwise it looks like someone chopped it off at the knees on the longer pages. Any good suggestions? secret tricks? Appreciate the help!
User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
Hi Cheryl,

I am not sure if I understand you exactly but what you want to do so to make sure do you have an example page showing your design or something you are trying to copy?

EverWeb Developer
User: Cheryl V. 8 years ago
Hi Paul, here is a link to a page showing the shapes I am talking about:
The decorative bars at the side are shapes. I have used a master page for the interior pages except for the "Adornments" page which has expanded in height due to content. On that page I could not use master page template because although the page automatically changed, the shapes at the sides did not.
My question is: is there a way to trick those shapes into expanding along with the master page? otherwise each page that expands past the end of the shape has to be redone by hand separately. Hope this explains it a little better.
User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
Hi Cheryl,

The trick would be to take the border image and only make it 1 pixel (or 10 pixels) in so in height but cropping it in an application like Preview on your computer.

Then use the Tile feature to tile the image instead of using one large image. That should ensure it always stretches properly for you.

EverWeb Developer

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