Viewing email autoresponder

email autoresponder

User: Darren R. 8 years ago
Hi guys, just a quick question. I have this website...

On the contact page I set up a contact form.

Is it possible to also set an autoresponder so that customers automatically get a response to say we are dealing with their enquiry but more importantly at time when we are away they have a response to inform them of that?

Any help gratefully received.



Last edit 8 years ago
User: Roddy 8 years ago
Autoreponse is set up in the email client.

If you are using a web mail address like me@my - and there is no facility for setting up the auto response on the server - you can set the web mail address as a redirect to Gmail or similar.

Login to your Gmail account, go to Mail and click the Settings tab, scroll down to "Vacation responder:" and set it up.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Darren R. 8 years ago
Thanks of the reply Roddy. Not sure about that in my case. I got the URL registered with Everweb and the email account is linked to that too...
URL is... and the email is (modified). I was hoping that I could set up an automatic response for customer enquiries without having the email come through to the macbook if you see what I mean.

I have got a little work around that will help a little. The pop up screen on the contact form by default says something like "Your email has been sent!" once the sender send the form. I edited the default message to say "we are away etc etc."
User: Roddy 8 years ago
I'm not sure if the EverWeb server has this facility but, on other servers, you can direct the form submission to more than one email address simply be creating a comma delineated list. One of these email addresses would be set up as an auto response.

Perhaps this is something that could be requested as a new feature?

If you set up a web mail or a Gmail address as an autoresponder, you don't need to have it on your Mac.

I think autoresponders are kind of negative - especially those that tell the visitor that you are out of the office or away on holiday. If you don't reply to enquiries within 24 hours you are probably going to lose a potential customer.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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