Viewing sub-subdirectory


User: Cheryl V. 8 years ago
Is it possible to create a dropdown menu with two layers? Successfully created a dropdown menu with two choices, but now want one of those choices to also have a drop down menu. I see the directory folder with the pages in it but they do not show in the menu. Soooo...what am I missing?
Any help greatly appreciated!
User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
HI Cheryl,

At this time, the built in navigation menu only allows for one level of drop down menus. We do plan on adding support for more, but don't have a release date.

There could be some third party drop down menus here

EverWeb Developer
User: Roddy 8 years ago
There are no widgets for creating a three level navigation menu. You would need to create this using code injection.

To create a menu like this you need to have a working knowledge of HTML nested lists and CSS. The alternative is to use an online menu building service like THIS.

Before you even think about starting a project ike this you need to consider whether this is the best way to go. Navigation with three or more levels can be confusing to visitors and create problems for those with accessibility issues.

If you do create a three level menu, it would be advisable to include a breadcrumbs navigation on each page to help visitors to know where they are in the site.

Nowadays its more common to see larger sites using mega menus which are a lot better in most cases for displaying a large number of items. The menu can have up to four columns as canbe seen in the example HERE by hovering/clicking the Touch or Responsive tabs.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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