Viewing scrolling pictures / images

scrolling pictures / images

User: Tim S. 8 years ago
I've searched for this and can't find it, but perhaps I just don't know what to call it! :-) Not only can I not find how to do this in your videos, but I can't find it in the Forum either.

I'm new at this, but I've got a few pages pretty close to completed in the website I'm working on. One thing, though, that I'd like to do is have (probably on my default [index] page) a section that has a succession of pictures / images scrolling, as other Chambers of Commerce sites have (e.g., recent events, new businesses). What I'm talking about is where a pic stays up for maybe 5 seconds, then scrolls off and another one scrolls on, etc. Sometimes (on some sites) a caption even comes on with each pic, but I'd settle for just the scrolling pictures!

Can somebody please point me to an answer? Thanks for any assistance you can provide.

User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
Hi Tim,

Do you mean like the Image Slider under Widgets?

If not, can you show an example website that has what you want?

EverWeb Developer
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User: Tim S. 8 years ago
That might be EXACTLY what I'm looking for. I'll check it out as soon as I have a chance, and will let you know. Thanks!

User: Roddy 8 years ago
Ther's a large selection of slideshow widgets in the Slideshow, Carousel and Sliders sections.

There's also some full width, responsive ones like THIS, THIS and THIS. There's also a layer slider which can add a little more interest with slide in captions.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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