Viewing Can't copy photos from iWeb project to Everweb?

Can't copy photos from iWeb project to Everweb?

User: Ben L. 8 years ago
In the Everweb tutorial for converting an iWeb site to an Everweb site it says I can just copy my photos straight from iWeb to Everweb ... single photos.

I find I can't. I'm using the last version of iWeb and the most recent version of Everweb. I have to rebuild a huge many paged iWeb site.

When I try to copy the photos over I get a plain empty box (invisible, I have to highlight it to see it), but no photo.

Has something changed with Everweb such that I can no longer do this? Or is there a workaround? I've got hundreds of photos to move over.

All ears, Ben
User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
Hi Ben,

This appears to be an issue with el capiton. The work around is to publish your site and open it your browser. Than you can drag and drop image from your browser into EverWeb.

EverWeb Developer
User: Ben L. 8 years ago
Hi Paul, thank you kindly. Okay, will try that ... ironically I'd messed up the first three main pages; trying to use iWeb, thinking I could just make a few changes and keep the site as an iWeb creation. Nada. No luck. The first three pages came up full of missing text. So iWeb is truly dying the slow death. And I'd remade the first three pages now in Everweb, by going into the package contents folder of the iWeb project and pulling out the stills one by one – very tedious. But at least those pages, the ones messed up on the actual uploaded site, are now fixed in Everweb. I will try what you suggest and report back the results... all the best,

User: Ben L. 8 years ago
iWeb is truly going south. I could drag the photos from the actual website into Everweb, thank you for that tip. Not sure how much quality I'm losing in the process. But I can't copy the text. So I go back to the iWeb 'project' and try to copy the text from iWeb to Everweb. No go. It will copy the text, but the formatting is totally weird; I can't get the line spacing to work properly – the lines of text are overlapping each other no matter what line spacing I set in Everweb. This looks like I'll have to retype all the text ... that's pages and pages. Apple has a very arrogant and ultimately not-too-bright side to them, continually trashing very good apps, or dumbing smart apps down, with little concern for those who keep them in business. Grrr.

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