Viewing forward and back pages

forward and back pages

User: Susan S. 8 years ago
I've asked similar questions before about this... I'm doing a gallery web site.

The artist has 12 different collections and has pieces in each collection of course.

Some of the collections have 40+ pieces in them. We tried having an image gallery/slider and they took too long to load, with Everweb. The pix are fairly large so you can see the details.

So we decided on a manual set up.

So Collection 1 will have (for example) 20 pieces in it and each one will be linked manually, meaning at the top of each piece there is a text box that says, "previous and next" which of course will take you to the image before and the one after the one you are currently on.

Well of course the artist wants the new pieces first. I was thinking of adding them last because the manual set up is easier that way, I just need to add a new page at the end.

Is there some way to make it easy to add a new page/piece as the first one in the collection without having to go and change the "previous and next" on every single page!!! That will take me hours.

Any ideas at all? Is there some sort of code that will go to the previous and next page without having to name the page?

I hope I'm making sense.

Collection Blue: will have 20 pages each one called: Blue 1, Blue 2, Blue, 3, Blue 4, (and so forth). So how do I add a page before one without having to redo the entire collection links?

Thanks, this is turning into a nightmare.

User: Roddy 8 years ago
See THIS topic for a possible solution for displaying images in "collections".


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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