Viewing Protecting your images

Protecting your images

User: Anthony B. 8 years ago
Hello all,
I am a little concerned about some thieving basket from stealing my images.
My portfolio website will be showcasing my creations.
What is a good way to protect my images?
Does Everweb have the option to disable the right click so images cannot be downloaded?
All of my images will be "watermarked"
I know the best way to protect your ideas is to NOT put them online. This is not an option.
User: Roddy 8 years ago
See THIS page for some ideas.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
You cannot protect images that you display on the web, even if you disable right click. It is very easy to download them still.

What you can do is watermark them so that they cannot be used. You also should not be using a high resolution version of your image (for example 300 DPI). It is not needed on websites and will ensure the images cannot be printed and used in any professional way.

EverWeb Developer
User: Anthony B. 8 years ago
Thanks for the info. I had not thought about the resolution.
Can 300dpi be used for large pictures. i.e., website background image?
User: Roddy 8 years ago
DPI is for print media and is meaningless in terms of screen media which uses pixels.

Import your images into EverWeb at the same size that they will appear on the web page. There's little point in importing and image that is 1920px wide when it will be displayed at 640px wide on the page. All you are doing is causing the browser to download a far larger file than is necessary.

If you don't want to allow "some thieving basket" to download higher resolution images, don't use retina @2x images. A 640px wide image will be seen at retina quality when viewed on an iPhone since it will be squished down to about 320px anyway.

Background images should be avoided if possible or created using a small image which is repeated on both the x and axis. If you want a background image effect you can get away with a much smaller image file size if you use a full width, fixed height image and fix its position so that it stays stationary as the content scrolls like THIS EXAMPLE.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: James G. 8 years ago
I'll throw in my 2 cents.
Add a watermark to images, then take an image, make it different sizes, and put all of them on a page and publish. Go to the page and look at them and download each. When you have them back on computer from page, open each in Preview and expand each image. Choose the size that looks good on the page, but is pixelated when downloaded and expanded.
You want them to see the image on the site but not be able to grab it, make it larger and use it.
User: Anthony B. 8 years ago
I have a watermark on each picture and reduced the resolution to 640 pixels on the lowest edge.
published a single picture with a resolution of 640 pixels and indeed you cannot tell the difference.
Thanks for that little gem of advice.
After publishing the picture i tried to download the picture to confirm the resolution, but the download option is not available when i clicked the right button. This is the same whether i use firefox or safari.
Any suggestions?

Last edit 8 years ago
User: Roddy 8 years ago
Open the page in Safari and then open the page source code by using: option + commmand + U

In the left column you will see your image listed as "9 copy copy.jpg".

Click on the image file name to launch it in the browser and drag it onto the desktop. Then right click it to Get Info.

Your image file names should not contain any spaces or special characters. Use this instead...



NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Anthony B. 8 years ago
Thank you Roddy,
I opened my website and pressed "option + commmand + U" and nothing happened.
What went wrong?
User: Anthony B. 8 years ago
Thank you Roddy,
I opened my website and pressed "option + commmand + U" and nothing happened.
What went wrong?
User: Anthony B. 8 years ago
Hello again Roddy,
Before inserting my image, as a background, on the website i changed the resolution to 640 pixels.
After downloading the image via the source code the resolution on the image changed to 1498.
Any ideas why?
User: Anthony B. 8 years ago
Hello again Roddy,
Before inserting my image, as a background, on the website i changed the resolution to 640 pixels.
After downloading the image via the source code the resolution on the image changed to 1498.
Any ideas why?
User: Roddy 8 years ago
If you take an image which is 640px wide by 480px high it has a number of pixels equal to the width multiplied by the height. This is typically given as a number of megapixels but can be stated as the number of pixels per square inch - PPI

If you then stretch that image to twice the size in your web design app, the number of pixels stays the same but the PPI drops so the quality is greatly reduced.

Website images are a compromise between image quality and download speed. In general, you should Import your images into EverWeb at the same size that they will appear on the web page.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Anthony B. 8 years ago
Thank you for your patience.
I will have another play tomorrow before i ask you about fixing an image and scrolling the contents as you described with your example.
User: Don B. 8 years ago
Another trick is to put a blank text box over your photos. If someone attempts to right click on them all they get is a blank box, nothing else. I use this technique on pictures I don't want someone to easily grab and post somewhere else. Yes, it doesn't fully solve the problem but it helps because most people don't know other ways to take photos.

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