Viewing Organizing photo pages

Organizing photo pages

User: David W. 8 years ago
I'm creating a portfolio site, with many image slider widgets that group a bunch of photos.
Some widgets have 3 or 4 photos, others up to 20 or more.
Is there some limit to how many widgets I should put in a page, or is that not an issue?
I'll also be doing this with video widgets as well.

As I've gone thru this so far, every once in a while, some glitches popping up in the Everweb app-

Sometimes the assets list will go blank, even though I can still see the photo.
Other times Assets list will go blank, and the photo disappears from the page.
If I publish to a file, the photo does always show up in the preview, so it's some display issue with Everweb.

If I save, quit and reopen ever web, the assets will be listed again, and the photo is seen in the web page.
Is this an indication of some problem in the construction of the page, or just a bug of some sort?
User: Roddy 8 years ago
Is there some limit to how many widgets I should put in a page, or is that not an issue?

The greater the number of images per slideshow - or per page - the longer the page download time. I you have a large number of images per page you should consider using a lazy loading slideshow or carousel.

I'll also be doing this with video widgets as well.

When two or more video widgets are inserted onto a page, make sure you use a widget which loads a poster image and prevents preloading of the video file before the visitor actually decides to play it.

Last edit 8 years ago


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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