Viewing Change my webpage so it is mobilefriendly

Change my webpage so it is mobilefriendly

User: Peter O. 8 years ago
I have allready made my webpage.
Is it possible to make it mobilefriendly without making a whole new site? And how do I do.

My Page
User: James G. 8 years ago
I didn't look through the whole site, but part of it. From what I saw, you could make the text bigger, images smaller, and shrink the page size. In order to really make it mobile friendly, you should replace the text links with cta links. Here is a section that explains things simply.
Making a second, mobile friendly site that gets served to mobile users is very easy. This page has video tutorials, and has a couple about making a mobile version. Here are more tutorials that may help with all things EW.
The text on your site right now is really tiny on my screen, you may want to make it a bit larger, it is near impossible to read on my mobile device.
User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
Is it possible to make it mobilefriendly without making a whole new site? And how do I do.

Your mobile site doesn't have to be an entirely new site. It is highly recommend that you make a mobile optimized page that represents your website with the information that only a mobile user would need.

Generally this means larger text and less images that make your website easier to read and use on a mobile device.

EverWeb Developer
User: Peter O. 8 years ago
Thanks for your answers.
I have now made a mobile friendlypage by dublicating my pages and making the textsize bigger and other adjustments on the dublicates. The original pages forward you to the dublicated and adjusted page when you go in with your mobile.
I have put in the <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> in the header so it is possible to zoom in the mobile version. My problem is that when I open the pages it starts up beeing zoomed in. How can I change that?
Thanks in advance- Peter
User: Jumbo T. 8 years ago
My problem is that when I open the pages it starts up beeing zoomed in. How can I change that?

Uncheck "This page is for mobile devices" on the mobile page.

And use fewer images of less quality :

less or fewer
User: James G. 8 years ago
Try changing 'initial-scale+1.0' to 'user-scalable=1.0'. It might do it

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