Viewing Instagram badge HTML

Instagram badge HTML

User: Anita W. 8 years ago
I am brand spankin' new to EW. I added an HTML snippet for an Instagram badge, but it disappears when I remove focus on the box. It is an empty box. What am I doing wrong? This is the HTML I am using, per the Instagram website:

[code]<style>.ig-b- { display: inline-block; }
.ig-b- img { visibility: hidden; }
.ig-b-:hover { background-position: 0 -60px; } .ig-b-:active { background-position: 0 -120px; }
.ig-b-48 { width: 48px; height: 48px; background: url(// no-repeat 0 0; }
@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2 / 1), only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi), only screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx) {
.ig-b-48 { background-image: url(//; background-size: 60px 178px; } }</style>
<a href="" class="ig-b- ig-b-48"><img src="//" alt="Instagram" /></a>[/code]
User: Roddy 8 years ago
The styles have been written so that the image only appears on hover. To change this you edit this ...

.ig-b- img { visibility: hidden; }

... to this ...

.ig-b- img { visibility: visible; }

Also, you don't put all the code into an HTML snippet.

Paste this into the Head Code box in the page inspector...

<style>.ig-b- { display: inline-block; }
.ig-b- img { visibility: visible; }
.ig-b-:hover { background-position: 0 -60px; } .ig-b-:active { background-position: 0 -120px; }
.ig-b-48 { width: 48px; height: 48px; background: url(// no-repeat 0 0; }
@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2 / 1), only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi), only screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx) {
.ig-b-48 { background-image: url(; background-size: 60px 178px} </style>

Paste this into an HTML Snippet widget...

<a href="" class="ig-b- ig-b-48"><img src="" alt="Instagram" /></a>


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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