Viewing Image Gallery Question

Image Gallery Question

User: Susan S. 8 years ago
Ok I asked about what an image gallery looked like but I did make one for testing purposes so I could play with it.

I don't think it will work for me unless I can get this problem solved.......

the artist wants on every "enlarged" pix in the gallery his name and an active email address. I see that I can add a caption but is there any way I can get an active link in that caption???

If not I'm may have to go with WP (which I hate, hate, hate) or build a gallery of clickable links off of each piece of art, which would mean every single time he sold a painting (happens a lot) or added one, I'd have to first go and adjust the collections page (with small pix of each piece), then go to the larger image page and adjust the "back" and "forward" buttons of that page and maybe the one before it and after it.

Can someone help me think thru this problem? I've been drawing the hierarchy of the site to try and figure it out, it's going to be a large site with 10 different collections and 20 pix in each collection. It seems to me like it would be easier from one standpoint to call each page with a larger pix on it the name of the art piece.

However, I think if I just call the pages with the larger pix: page1, page2, and so forth when he sells a pix and I add one I don't have to change anything but the picture. But how about when he sells one and doesn't add a new one. If I have to remove page2 then I'll have to adjust the forward link on page1 and the backward link on page3, correct?

I need to figure this out ahead of time and make it easy for me to update because it will get updated frequently.

Thanks, Susan

Last edit 8 years ago
User: James G. 8 years ago
If using the default Gallery in EW, you can put a link in caption, but it doesn't show when it is clicked and enlarged. Here is the code-
<a href="url">link text</a>. Put the url where it says url between quotes and keep the quotes there, put what you want link to say in link text part.

You may want to explore the widgets here, especially the Widget 2 & 3 sections. Very helpful and very affordable. You may find exactly what you need. If you click the Codebox link at top, it will tell you a lot about how to use basic snippets of code.

If they sell one and don't put up another, you should be able to just uncheck the 'Show in Navigation" for that page, or delete the page, and the forward/back links should work fine.

Last edit 8 years ago
User: Susan S. 8 years ago
If the link won't show when the painting is enlarged then it won't work for me, if someone is going to buy a painting it's going to be when they can see it enlarged and I'll need it on that page, enlarged page of the Gallery.

None of the enlarged paintings are going to be in the navigation, only the "collection" will be in the navigation menu.

I don't see how, if I make these pages "manually" not using the gallery because as I said without links to purchase or email the artist on each enlarged picture the EW gallery won't work for me.... So I'll have to have page1, page2, page3, page4 for the manually made gallery pages. So when We sell the pix on Page3, the forward link on page2 and the back link on page4 won't work and will have to be redone. Because they link to "page3" so it seems like a lot of work.

I was just trying to figure out a way to make this easier.

User: James G. 8 years ago
You could look at this or this, it looks like you could put a link into the caption on the enlarged image.

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