Viewing How to I make my tables sortable?

How to I make my tables sortable?

User: Jacob W. 8 years ago
I have tried to insert "sorttable" that I found through a google search. But I can not figure out how to add this to the website so it works... Is this the best solution, and if so, does anyone know how I would implement it into my website to make my tables for stats sortable? I have a high school basketball website:

Thank you for any and all help!!
User: Roddy 8 years ago
Here's a DEMO with some instructions.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Jacob W. 8 years ago

Thank you!! That works perfect!

I do have one more question if you do not mind. I have put my table into 2 divs in order to make the table scrollable. This may not be the best solution, I do not really know what I am doing beyond what I read on the web. Is there a way to link the sorting of the column headers in one div to sort the actual data in a second div below?

I hope this makes sense?

Here is a page I am trying to make the headers sortable with the scrollable data below in a separate div:
User: Jumbo T. 8 years ago
Here's the correct table :
User: Roddy 8 years ago
The way to go is make the table head fixed and the rest of it scroll. The table is placed inside a container with a fixed height and the content set to "overflow-y:auto".

Fixing the table head is not as simple as it should be but can be done using CSS or JS. I have used CSS in this DEMO.

If you contact me, I will send you the HTML doc so that you can open it in an editor and change things to suit your design.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Jumbo T. 8 years ago
Based on this :

I updated the page :

And it's good practice when questions are asked in a forum , they are answered in the forum.

Otherwise, start your own forum.
User: Jacob W. 8 years ago
Jumbo T.

That is exactly what I want. Thank you! However I am so lost with how to take what you have put together and put it into my website. If you don't mind would you be willing to break it down for a complete dummy? Thank you all so much for all of the help!
User: Jumbo T. 8 years ago
Look at the source of the page and copy the code.

Then paste the code in a HTML Snippet.

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