Viewing Directory main page

Directory main page

User: Larry H. 8 years ago
How do I change the parent main page of the directory to look like the master page. I can't change it from, "Press the add button to add new pages to your directory."

Screen Shot 2016-03-22 at 5.41.13 PM.png
User: James G. 8 years ago
I hope I am understanding correctly and giving the correct answer.
When you create a Directory, the Directory is essentially a folder. The 'main' page is not really a page at all. The first page you put into the Directory is a page, along with any other pages you add. The 'first' one is a folder and the pages inside the Directory can take a Master Page. The Folder/Page that holds the pages cannot be changed, except to add a sign-in to lock the Directory, and maybe something else. The Directory Page/Folder is not 'seen' by visitors to the site.
And, just in case you need it, check out this page to see how to Link out of a directory to a regular page.

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