Viewing Removing awful looking text

Removing awful looking text

User: Michael P. 8 years ago
After publishing my site via everweb I have noticed when viewing my site on my iPhone the contact number text is appearing in a strange text. I'm yet to create a mobile page for my site but will be using a certain font for the contact number when it's made which I hope won't change into this font. Is there a way to stop this font from appearing?

I have attached an image.

Thanks, Mike

User: James G. 8 years ago
The first thing I would do is to search if that particular font is supported by iphone. Personally, I stick to the most basic of web-safe fonts, and even then I have had issues on android. I am also guessing that you are looking at it using Safari, use a different browser and see what it looks like in it, and you will also see how the layout changes and what/if you need to slightly adjust things.
User: Michael P. 8 years ago
Hi Jim, thanks for your reply,

I've changed the font to web safe and it appears perfect although it is still filled blue and has an underline.

Any idea on how to keep it white but still be able to push and call?
User: James G. 8 years ago
I am guessing you made the link using text in a Text Box.
First, determine if the Text itself is a link, or if the Text Box is a link. Then select which one is the link, look in Inspector on right at Hyperlink area and see that the link is selected. Try to change the color down a little in that area. If it is i a Text Box, it may just be easier to do it over.
Check out this page for Mobile widgets, including a phone one.
User: Michael P. 8 years ago
Yes, I was using a text box.

I am currently designing a mobile page today and will look into the widget you have suggested.

Thank you Jim,


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