Viewing Endless webpage height

Endless webpage height

User: Michael P. 8 years ago
Hi, I am having a problem with my webpage as the layout is fine but you're able to scroll down massively into blank space after the webpage content has finished.

I have tried to adjust the page inspector settings but you're still able to scroll way way down.

Any help would be great!

User: Yelena 8 years ago
Click on "Show Layout" to see if you have a shape or text box somewhere on the page. If so - delete objects you are not using.....

MacBook Pro OS X 10.10.3
IMac 21" OS X 10.10.3
User: Michael P. 8 years ago
Hi Yelana I have done as you said and there are no content boxes present below my webpage.

Its very strange.

There are two or three blue boxes present.

I have attached a screen shot

User: Yelena 8 years ago
There is no screenshot...

MacBook Pro OS X 10.10.3
IMac 21" OS X 10.10.3
User: Jumbo T. 8 years ago
There's an object at the bottom of the page.

Top 73031px
User: Jumbo T. 8 years ago
Well, the forum software is almost as good as the application.

Embedding images does not work, so here's the image on the server :

User: Michael P. 8 years ago
Thats very strange as I cant see it within ever web?

Any ideas on how I can locate it?

Thanks, Mike
User: James G. 8 years ago
It looks like zero height and zero width. On that page, try Edit- Select All, look for a dot maybe. You could also go into Assets, click the Image used, right-click the image and choose Find Pages Using Asset.
User: Michael P. 8 years ago
Thanks Jim, problem solved!

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