Viewing copy a page

copy a page

User: Rob C. 8 years ago
If I control click on a master page a menu appears so I can duplicate the masterpage.
This seems not to work with created pages. Why not.
Am I missing something...?


Last edit 8 years ago
User: wellnl 8 years ago
Hi Rob

You should be able to control-click on ordinary pages to duplicate them, it works in the same way as for master pages. Try using a two finger tap on the page name in the web page list to see if you get the submenu with the duplicate options. Or try Edit-> Duplicate from the menu or Cmd+D shortcut key.

User: Rob C. 8 years ago
Thanks Simon,

The edit-->duplicate works fine.
Ctrl click really does not work. It does work with 'masterpages'. Bug?
User: wellnl 8 years ago
Graag gedaan! Glad it works... the feature works for me and I have not seen such a problem before... are you using a magic mouse or trackpad. If you have both, try it on both, or try another program that uses the Ctrl-click in case it's related to the hardware...
User: Roddy 8 years ago
Are you right clicking the page name in the left column?


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Rob C. 8 years ago
In the meanwhile I have updated to 1.9.5. and the problem disappeared like snow in the sun.
Thanks for your help.

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