Viewing When I follow domain the server is unknown

When I follow domain the server is unknown

User: Ía N. 8 years ago
I already updated the nameservers, read and follow the instructions on the welcome email and waited more than 24 hours for the update to work fine. Then I tried to publish my websites from EverWeb with my two respectives domains: i), which was already succesfully transfered, and ii), which I acquired from EverWeb; in both cases same happens:
EverWeb runs juts fine and send me a message saying that my web was succesfully published, but when I open the domain it does not work.
User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
Your website works fine for me. You should wait a few more hours as it can take longer. It depends on your internet provider. It won't be longer than 72 hours at the most. had the wrong nameservers but I fixed them for you. So please wait up to 24 hours for that to start working.

If you visit your website from an Internet connection that has never visited them before they will work right now.

EverWeb Developer
User: Ía N. 8 years ago
Hi Paul,

Thank you for your response.

I just republished the website and the problem persists. Funny thing is that I do can see the webpage on my iPhone –although not the mobile version that I created (also I would like some help with this other issue)–, but I can't see the website on my computer (MacBook) it says "server couldn’t be found", I erased the cache/hist. and tried with different internet providers, and nothing!.
My other domain, and webpage works just fine.

Hope you can help me!
User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
On your computer check the path bar in your web browser. You may be typing in the wrong URL.

Your website is working fine for me here. Otherwise try turning your modem off an on. It will work on your phone because you are accessing it from another internet connection (your mobile connection).

EverWeb Developer
User: Ía N. 8 years ago
OK, now I am able to see my webpage (not in my computer [weird], but I suppose that's something wrong with my DNS or the search domains or whatever... I will figure out).
Hence the web version of my site is working, BUT my mobile version not. When I go to my iPhone it displays the web version.

Any advice?


Thanks a lot! :)

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