Viewing Adding Wikimedia images

Adding Wikimedia images

User: Ruth I. 8 years ago
Please explain step by step process for adding wikimedia images since they are not images which can be dragged and dropped or added by any of the other means.

User: Jumbo T. 8 years ago
Here's a Wikimedia image.

See the motorcycle?

Drag the image on the EW page.

Or click the image first and then drag it on the EW page.

Or drag the image to the desktop first and then on the EW page.

Or click "Download this file" and click one of the image sizes.

Then do one of the three dragging things.

Or right-click the image and choose "save as" or similar and then drag it on the EW page.

Or click "use this file" and copy the HTML code and paste it in a HTML snippet.

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