Viewing wcga 2.0 web site

wcga 2.0 web site

User: Stephane L. 8 years ago
Has anyone built a WCGA 2.0 ready site on Everweb?

Have you experienced any constraints?
Are there any widget available that comply with WCGA 2.0?
Any example of site built in everweb with WCGA 2.0 compliance?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
Hi Stephanie,

It is great that you have asked this because it seems that many websites these days care more about using a current trendy design, large moving graphics, animations, heavy images and more without considering accessibility.

I am very happy to find EverWeb users who care about accessibility and functionality over the above mentioned items.

It is especially important to note that most 'responsive' websites cause issues when objects are moved around a page as the browser window is resized.

Anyways, to answer your question most of the WCGA recommendations have to do with how you actually design your site and would be independent of your web design tool.

So just some important aspects;

1. Always use ALT tags for images (Inspector->Shape Settings->Fill->ALT Text field in EverWeb)
2. Use a minimalist design
3. Use headings, large text and don't change the text styling often
4. Use a contrasting background color to the text color you choose
5. Make sure links clearly stand out with a contrasting color and underline
6. Don't use any flashy animations (i.e. with widgets) or image sliders that move too quickly
7. Use a consistent design and navigation for your website.

The above recommendations are not only good for accessibility, but also good for general use and converting visitors to customers.

Hope this helps!

Last edit 8 years ago

EverWeb Developer
User: Roddy 8 years ago
Run your site through a checker like AChecker.

If you have followed Paul's guidelines, the only repair notice would be "Document language not specified". This normally goes in the opening HTML tag...

<html lang="es">

EverWeb users can't access it so you would use the meta tag...

<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="es">

... inserted into the Site Wide Head Code box. Obviously you need to change "es" to the appropriate language code.

I really don't feel the need to specify language if the website is in English - the real version or the one spoken in backward countries!


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Stephane L. 8 years ago
Hi Paul,

thanks for the the suggestions I always try to build sites based on these and others

My client wants a parallax site, does that present any constraint?
I've looked a WCGA 2.0 AAA+ accredited site. there are a few thing that for now represent obstacles.

- The ability to plus size the text via a button
- Web text to Audio
- Dyslexia fonts button to change font on web

here's the Link.:

Are there any widgets available that can help in this build?


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