Viewing recreate widgets with jQuery/JS/...?

recreate widgets with jQuery/JS/...?

User: Kenny Z. 8 years ago
I see a whole load of widgets that all can be paid for. I love the balance between a good WYSIWYG interface that leaves some room for custom coding; It saves a lot of time, and has a lot of flexibility. So i was wondering if all the widgets can be recreated with JS/jquery within everweb?
User: Roddy 8 years ago
The "Codebox" section of the EverWeb Codebox website was created way back when there were just a handful of widgets. It outlines the method of inserting code and gives some examples of items that use jQuery.

This section is a bit outdated in that the method of inserting jQuery into EverWeb has changed. If you create an item that requires jQuery using code injection, make sure that there are no widgets on the same page that also require it since you may get a conflict with different versions of jQuery being loaded in the same HTML doc. Use...

<script type="text/java script" src=""></script>

... if your project of choice is compatible with that version.

Note that not all projects using jQuery will work in EverWeb. Some which rely on having a certain value for overall z-index can break due to the fact that EverWeb inserts items into two divs - one positioned realtively and the other absolutely - to allow the user to be able to drag stuff around. The absolutely positioned parent div is assigned a z-index by the app and this effects the actual z-index of child elements.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
You can do almost anything with jQuery in EverWeb.

Just insert jQuery in the Site Header. EverWeb will make sure any widgets that require jQuery won't conflict with what you have entered.

EverWeb Developer

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