Viewing Adjustable photo gallery by other people

Adjustable photo gallery by other people

User: Jef V. 8 years ago

I'm trying to make a page on which somebody who doesn't have access to Everweb can upload pictures.
Those pictures are shown on photo gallery page, so it's something like a photo blog.

It's already possible to secure a page with a password so i would use that function to make other people log in and upload pictures.

Can someone help me please?

Last edit 8 years ago
User: Jumbo T. 8 years ago
Here are two solutions you may want to explore :

It's up to you to make a page from the uploaded images.

There are other solutions if you search for it.

I hope you realize it's beyond EverWeb.
User: Jumbo T. 8 years ago
Based on one of the links above, I create an uploadpage and album.

A zip file with the files to study and use, can be downloaded.

Unzip the file and put the folder on the server.
User: Jef V. 8 years ago
Thanks Jumbo! It's not something that is ready in 2 minutes... I'll try your solution this weekend! Hope i figure it out :).
User: Jef V. 8 years ago
Hey Jumbo, i figured out how to use your file. I love it! No it's my turn to figure out the rest ;).
User: Jef V. 8 years ago
Hey Jumbo, i figured out how to use your file. I love it! No it's my turn to figure out the rest ;).

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