Viewing create thumbnails for videos?

create thumbnails for videos?

User: Kevin B. 8 years ago
when I originally built my website in iWeb, each video had a thumbnail I was able to create in quicktime. But now that I've converted to Mp4, Ogg and Webm, I just have generic play buttons for every video... is there a way to add a thumbnail image instead of a generic play button? if so how?
User: Roddy 8 years ago
I assume you mean a poster (or splash) image.

The MP4 Video widget - for example - allows you to add a poster image and have preload set to "none". The latter is necessary to improve page download time and is essential if you have a large movie file or more than one on the page.

Make sure the poster image is the same width and height as the video file or, at least, the same aspect ratio. If you don't have a dedicated app for it, you can use Preview to take a screenshot and crop a suitable frame from the movie. I use EasyCrop for this kind of thing. Once you have the app you will wonder how you lived without it!


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Kevin B. 8 years ago
Yes, I guess I do mean poster image.... sorry, not a web developer (which is why I'm using Everweb.) I don't see any of the settings you refer to in the Video Widget and I don't see a specific MP4 Video widget either. Is there a place to download that widget separately? Sounds like I definitely need that one... and once you use the MP4 Video widget, does that allow you to use the OGG and Webm files the Video Widget asks for as well?
User: Jumbo T. 8 years ago
Use this :

It's free.
User: Kevin B. 8 years ago
ah... now that i look at your signature... I see you're referring to 3rd party widgets.... got it.
User: Roddy 8 years ago
You don't need to use OGG or WebM. The player will fallback to flash to play the MP4 in out of date browsers. This saves you converting to and uploading OG and WebM files


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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