Viewing Help with Publishing to GoDaddy Hosted Site

Help with Publishing to GoDaddy Hosted Site

User: David R. 8 years ago
I have an existing web site hosted by GoDaddy. I have created an updated site and want to publish it to the GoDaddy site replacing what is there. Is there a help article or other instructions that tell me how to do this? When I tried the EverWeb File/Publish Entire Site, it doesn't give me any option to select the GoDaddy location. I assume I have to use FTP to do this but I don't see that option in EverWeb.


User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
Hi David,

Sorry for the confusion.

You can publish to FTP, which will let you publish to Godaddy, by following these steps;

1. Go to the File menu at the top of your screen and select 'Edit Publishing Settings'
2. From the Publish To popup menu select 'FTP'
3. Enter the FTP information from Godaddy to publish your website

You will have to sign into your EverWeb account by pressing the Sign In button next to the popup menu from step 2. If you are already signed in, the Sign In button will not be there and you will be able to select FTP.

Please let me know if I can help you with anything else.

EverWeb Developer
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User: David R. 8 years ago
Thanks - that's what I needed. I got the FTP settings I need from my iWeb application - all I needed to do was track down a GoDaddy password for the upload. Everything is updated now.


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