Viewing Mobile Pages

Mobile Pages

User: Bobbie B. 8 years ago
I have completely rebuilt my old iWeb site on Everweb. I created a mobile page from the directory as part of my larger desktop project. As per the video tutorial, I indicated it is a mobile page In the mobile settings and also named the page.

It is not showing up on mobile devices. My husband is seeing the desktop version on his blackberry and I am not getting anything at all on my iPhone.

Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong?

Thank you.

Screen Shot 2015-12-28 at 10.29.58 PM.png
User: Roddy 8 years ago
You would need to post the URL to the published website and the one to the mobile page.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Bobbie B. 8 years ago
Thanks Roddy,

In my perusal of the various threads and questions I've had as I've been re-building my site, I have noticed you have helped many people with answers to their questions about Everweb.

Anyway, with regards to your answer I am not sure where I need to post the URLs (and how do I post an URL to a mobile web page that isn't published yet)? None of that information is clear on the video tutorial and I had already tried a re-direct from the home/index page a couple of days ago but I was still seeing the desktop version on mobile devices.

I will be very clear here and say that as far as knowing any IT stuff I am a complete dummy. Hence, why I loved iWeb as I saw it as a web builder for dummies like me who know nothing about coding and html stuff . . .
User: Roddy 8 years ago
If you haven't published the site to the server we can't look at the code to see what the problem is.

If you are really stuck, open a Support Ticket and upload your project file so that they can open it in EverWeb.

Open the EverWeb projects window and click on the little up/down arrows to the right of your project file name. Select "Send Project File to Support" from the contextual menu.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Bobbie B. 8 years ago
Sorry! I did not get notification that you had replied yesterday (despite checking the "send me email notification when a reply is posted" box. I just logged on directly this AM to find out if I had a reply . . .

I HAVE published my site to the server. Several days ago. And updated several times since then to add changes and to fiddle around to see if the mobile page would upload. The desktop version has been up and running for days. You can find it here:

But, yes, I am taking your advice and opening a support ticket.


Last edit 8 years ago
User: James G. 8 years ago
In your OP you state that you made a mobile page and indicated it is a mobile page; did you do the other half? For what ever page this is, go to the Desktop page and in Page Inspector on right, scroll down to Mobile Settings and redirect the Desktop to Mobile. You need to do this with each page, if you have not.
User: Bobbie B. 8 years ago
Yes. I only have ONE mobile page as part of my larger project. I attached a screen shot with my OP but I don't know where that disappeared to?????? Just wanted something simple to start out to see how the mobile site functions and then planned to do a much more extensive mobile in the future.

I would attach the screen shot again but I can't see how to do that in this "Post Reply" box?

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