Viewing add an image to the header in a master page

add an image to the header in a master page

User: Michael D. 8 years ago
Hi There,

Just picked up EverWeb and have been rebuilding my wife's old site. Everything has been going really well, except one issue. I made some social icons for her and placed them in the header and made them hyper links to her social pages. When I look at them in the preview mode they look and work fine, but when I export and publish the site they show as broken images in multiple browsers.

Am I doing something wrong here?

Here is the site so far:

Last edit 8 years ago

Screen Shot 2015-11-28 at 5.52.30 PM.jpg
screen shot of preview
User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
Hi Michael,

Sorry for the problems you are experiencing.

I don't see any social images on that link you provided, or broken links. Can you provide the exact page you are having trouble on? I need to see the actual page that has the problem...

EverWeb Developer
User: Michael D. 8 years ago
No worries, I figured it out. Typical USER ERROR! For some reason I had saved those images in 8bit instead of 16. Duh. :-)

Site is all set now:

Building hers was a nice warm up, now to redesign my ancient iWeb site:
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