Viewing only upload 1 page of a large website

only upload 1 page of a large website

User: Susan S. 8 years ago
I have a client that is getting sued. He wants to take down his website and put up a temporary 1st page. I did that but all the other pages are still on the server, not really linked because I took the menu bar off the new first page.

I can go into the server and delete all the other pages on it other than the new first page. But if we make any changes to that new temp page and I upload, it's going to upload the entire site again and I'll have to go into the server and delete all the other pages. (this is all per lawyer).

Is there any way I can just have Everweb only upload 1 page of a large website?

Thanks, Susan
User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
Hi Susan,

You should create a new website project in EverWeb and upload that. This would be the easiest solution at the moment until we can implement the feature you need.

EverWeb Developer
User: Lena Arice L. 8 years ago
Could Susan keep the unwanted pages' names, delete the content on each unwanted page, and have each "deleted content" page redirect to the single page the client wishes to have remaining?

Messy..., but could it work?
User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
Could Susan keep the unwanted pages' names, delete the content on each unwanted page, and have each "deleted content" page redirect to the single page the client wishes to have remaining?

Messy..., but could it work?

Although that would work, for this case I would advise against it because it would require tedious work setting up the redirects and deleting tall the content.

A better way would be to delete all the content on the server and set up the 404 error page so that all URLs automatically redirect to the main page (or whichever page is specified as the 404 error page).

EverWeb Developer

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