Viewing Broken jpeg

Broken jpeg

User: Rod B. 8 years ago
Hoping someone can help me.
We have a website that uses the same jpeg at the top of each page however in the Everweb app it shows up on all the pages but once published, in various browsers it only shows up on the "Home" page.
We aren't using 3rd party apps and everything has been created with Everweb.

This is what I have found using various browsers...
Safari 9: only Home page
Firefox 41.0.1: only Home page
Chrome 45.0.2454.101 (64-bit): only Home page

Using a Mac Book Pro OS X 10.11 along with Everweb 1.9.0

Link to site:
User: James G. 8 years ago
Not positive this will work, but I am guessing it will, or will help- Your image has this name- ARYGL M_A N_A-8966087-9952556-DSC_0062 copy.jpg. When you name an image, there should be no spaces, and there should be no underscores. Replace the spaces and underscores with hyphen.
User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
I suspect that you just have to go to File->Publish Entire Site

However, you have a space after the .jpg at the end of the image file. Definitely remove that and keep your image file names to use only letters, numbers and hyphens with one period before the extension. Although this shouldn't be required, it is the best practice.

EverWeb Developer

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