Viewing Everweb to get crisp images

Everweb to get crisp images

User: Jesse M. 9 years ago
I'm using some of the widgets from widgetbox and on the ones that display a photo, such as for a button or a rollover image, the image is blurry (especially with text). Specifically, I am using the Smooth Rollover Button Widget, and the text looks awfully blurry. I know about making 2 versions of the images, the regular size and the double size with @2x in the title, and it works for everything but the widgets. Am I doing something wrong? I use the smaller image in the widget...if I choose the larger version it make the button way to big and it can't be resized.
User: Roddy 9 years ago
For best results, you need to crop the images to the same size that they will appear in the button. The text is added as text - not an imae - so it shouldn't be blurry.

If you continue to have problems, please publish a test page and post the URL.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
✔ Best Answer  
User: Jesse M. 9 years ago
Thank so you much...I was dong it wrong. They look great now, nice and crisp. Is there anyway to add additional fonts to this widget?
User: Roddy 9 years ago
The button can be modified for using Google hosted and non web safe fonts. Contact me and let me know what you need.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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