Viewing Advanced Widgets

Advanced Widgets

User: Roddy 9 years ago
The EverWeb Codebox website now has around 300 widgets - most of which can used without any mental effort or knowledge of anything much at all.

I get a lot of request for features which can’t be created using widgets alone and a considerable number of EverWeb users have proved that they are capable of creating more advanced features using code entry with a little help and instruction.

The Advanced widgets are an attempt to simplify some these projects using the widget to provide the heavy lifting and leaving the user with minimal - or no - code entry. They don’t actually require any knowledge of code but it helps to know what it looks like and be able to copy and paste!

Audio playlist player with optional buy buttons
Text content slider
Tab anchors for navigating long pages
Flyout two level menu
Two level mobile navigation which opens on click from a button
Two level accordion style mobile navigation
Page flipping book or magazine
An image gallery with thumbnail zoom effect
A scrolling frame in which the content can be changed using a horizontal or vertical navigation

Note that a couple of these widgets can’t be used by those publishing to the EverWeb server.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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