Viewing objects in full-page width version 1.8.0 build 1381 new

objects in full-page width version 1.8.0 build 1381 new

User: Jumbo T. 9 years ago
The object is not centered.

The page is.

If an object is put on the canvas in position x=n of the content, the object should stay there when fixed.

Not jump to the left of the canvas.

I provided a solution with an explanation.

So the object should be fixed relative (Either positive or negative) to the lefthand side of the page layer.

And if the object should be fixed at the lefthand side of the browser window, add an extra checkbox. Just like it does now.

Last edit 9 years ago
User: Paul-RAGESW 9 years ago
I don't disagree and I think I have a solution for this. I will try and get a new version out ASAP that will make sure on centred designs, the fixed width objects behaves as intended because it makes the feature much more useful.

EverWeb Developer
User: Giovanni D. 9 years ago
Create any object that is not to the entire width and make it fixed at a point is the excellent function of making available to us all in EW, but should not move in order to be really a characteristic effective. If it moves and in this case will move to the left side of the browser then something is not working well. It 'definitely a program error and you see clearly. When we then manually move the object and the report on the blue ruler or to a desired project of our page, such as a logo, an image, etc .. This object is not specific to the desired position in preview safari, but It is located in an indefinite point and uncontrollable. Lock an object in a desired point becomes impossible. Do not say that's a feature, and do not say that is not true, please. Solve it, thanks. I enclose a video link made to demonstrate how the object or an image moves across to the left of the browser.
User: Roddy 9 years ago
I don't actually see much use for fixed position objects apart from a fixed header which is what the widget is for. It fixes a 100% wide header, and all the objects in it, which is what EverWeb users have been requesting for quite some time.

I have had requests for a fixed vertical navigation but these are very intrusive unless placed on a page like one of these Wordpress blogs with a large chunk of white space down one side. Why would anybody want to fix an image, movie, whatever?


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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