Viewing How do I edit a previously created subscriber form? Mail shoot

How do I edit a previously created subscriber form? Mail shoot

User: Richard S. 9 years ago
I have the form on my website. I go back into Mailshoot and I can't find the subscriber form to edit it? The heading on the Compose/Mailing List/Send Mail panel has the label of the form but I can't see where I can edit it. Also the person whose email is to be sent subscribers is not receiving sign-ups.
User: Roddy 9 years ago
This is the EverWeb forum. Go HERE for the other Rage Forum or contact support.

Is it really necessary to post the same question four times?


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Richard S. 9 years ago
My apologies. I didn't know I did that.
User: Roddy 9 years ago
It's a general forum for all Rage software. It doesn't get much use nowadays. It's probably better to email support.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Fredrick K. 8 years ago
I am actually having the same problem about not receiving the sign ups now. I emailed support but they don't support the Mailshoot software anymore.
User: Fredrick K. 8 years ago
Update: the problem has been solved. Just watch the youtube video on Mailshoot-importing contacts from web and follow it step by step. Re-watch it over and over if you have to, it will show you. You will have to click on the import button, then the web icon, but if you haven't set your privacy settings in system preferences to allow Mailshoot to have access to your contact list it won't work, but you will be prompted to do that so don't worry. Hope this helps.

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