Viewing Blogging!


User: Shari B. 9 years ago
Blogging is such a huge part of my business. But on Everweb, there are too many steps to take with the work arounds, and it still isn't the same! It takes me so much extra time! Plus my Facebook links to my blog are always messed up, even using the widget. It is VERY FRUSTRATING. I'm the only one I know using Everweb, and no one else has these problems. I love Everweb in other ways, but not having a Wordpress-like blogging feature is not acceptable in this day and age. How long will we have to wait for this? I'm thinking of just using WordPress but would rather not have to do that. Thanks.
User: Chris B. 9 years ago
Hey guys, any update on this feature? This is a big deal to a lot of us here and I notice this thread has gone quiet. :-)

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