Viewing iWeb in today's keynote rumour...

iWeb in today's keynote rumour...

User: Damon Z. 9 years ago
Quote: Jeremy-RAGESW - 28/10/2014 13:37:43
Just out of curiosity for those participating in this discussion who were hoping for an iWeb relaunch, what exactly is it about iWeb vs. EverWeb that makes you want iWeb to make a comeback? Is it a cost situation? Is it a feature thing?

This is an old thread, but I just bought the standalone version of EverWeb and although EverWeb shows promise, I miss iWeb sorely.

The main thing that made iWeb great, to me, was that it was a one-stop-shop. You could do some basic image corrections/modifications, alpha, etc. It had graphical elements you could throw in (I loved the various frames and dashes that looked hand drawned for example). It was very good for DESIGNING a webpage. It worked like a layout application. It was design freedom.
It was also the way it interacted with other Apple software, for example, I often designed posters and flyers for events in Pages. I could then copy that design and paste it in iWeb, and with just some tweaks I had a webpage that looked like the poster! That was brilliant!

As the original idea for iWeb, personal webpages, was rendered more or less unneeded due to the arrival of various social media sites most users seems to have been small businesses. And had Apple changed the course of iWeb to cater to them it would have been great. And it's also here I can see a reason for Apple to re-introduce it. Move it from iLife to iWork (although those grouping hardly are used anymore). Now that Apple have Apple Pay, imagine if they offered a new iWeb with great integrated payment solutions / webshops based on Apple Pay. And with being able to add content from anywhere using your iPhone/iPad. For many small companies this would be a killer app to make them choose Mac/iOS Devices.

Until then, EverWeb seems to be the best solution for me. It's good, but to me it still miss the little great things and feel of iWeb.
User: Darren R. 9 years ago
I wouldn't bother going back to an apple iWeb only for it to be taken away again -major pain that was. Anyway Everweb is much better I find.

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