Viewing Contact Form

Contact Form

User: Roddy 10 years ago
I haven't looked at the contact form for a while and did so after seeing the topic by jdm4given who was trying to resolve the label color problem in a rather unorthodox way.

I see that the form is given a class with a number like...

form.ew_custom_contact_6 label {color:#000000;font-family:Arial;font-size:12px }

... and obviously, the color number needs to be changed!

Puzzled by the number in the class name, I added another one and it came up with number 7. Now I know how many forms I have tried.

What is the purpose of this? Does this mean that some day we may be able to customize the forms?


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Paul-RAGESW 10 years ago
We will definitely have customized forms in a future version, however this is unrelated in this case.

Each contact form needs a unique name, otherwise any styling you give to it in CSS will apply to all your forms. The number is the "index" number of the contact form. Don't rely on it being the same if you change the order of shapes from the Arrange menu, or delete shapes.

You can very easily change the font color of the form labels by selecting it and using the Color button in the toolbar.

EverWeb Developer

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