Viewing assets folder rather full

assets folder rather full

User: Andrew D. 9 years ago
Since playing around and learning to use EW I have noticed my assets folder is rather full, is there any way of knowing which of these images are being used by my website or is it purely clicking on each one (one at a time)
Also is it detrimental to have a large assets folder with some of the items not being used by website? & will it make website slower?
My iWeb website below (lots of images) for ref;

Last edit 9 years ago
User: Roddy 9 years ago
There is more than one folder containing image assets.

Images that are dragged onto the page are stored in an Image folder. If your site uses directories there will be an Images folder in each one.

If you use a widget to insert images, these will be in the ewExternalFiles folder and are a lot easier to find and delete.

To clear out redundant images, I delete them in the EW Assets List, delete the folders in the published version and then republish the whole site. This of course will only work if you are publishing to a server other than the EverWeb one.

Unused assets just take up space on the server. They won't slow your page download time.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Andrew D. 9 years ago
Hi Roddy.
I have only published to folder but I will definitely do that that before I clog up my server with unused images. Thanks again for your help. Andy

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