Viewing Publishing finally worked. How can I simply publish an edit without publishing entire site

Publishing finally worked. How can I simply publish an edit without publishing entire site

User: Lena Arice L. 10 years ago
Whew! Publishing finally worked without aberrations (I hope). (See post above. The post above duplicated itself here, so I edited this copy to reflect latest update.)

Now, how can I simply publish an edit without it publishing the entire site? (i.e., It publishes whole site even if asking to publish only 1 minor change). I think having to publish entire site is what is scrambling the pages content.

I will be adding a page that will be updated each week with a new MP3 (a song-of-the week type page). I do not want to go through this again.


Last edit 10 years ago
User: Paul-RAGESW 10 years ago
I answered your other post. It is best not to create duplicate posts of the same issue as it just creates extra clutter and is difficult to create an organized thread of replies.

EverWeb Developer

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