Viewing How do I unpublish a website or page on a website.

How do I unpublish a website or page on a website.

User: dan y 10 years ago
I've been playing with Everweb and uploaded a website that was to be used only for trial purposes. After uploading it I decided that it would be better not to have it online. I've been searching for some 'unpublish' or 'take website offline' or something like that and can't find any way to do it. I started to think about 'What if I wanted to take only a page offline? I can't find any way to do that as well. I don't want to delete what's in Everweb, I just want to take it offline. After an hour of searching for some way to unpublish I decided to just make a blank page and put it first as the 'index' but that doesn't solve the 'take page offline' issue. I feel like something must be going over my head as it should be a simple thing to do.

So,,,,, if I want to take a website offline or take a page offline what's the best way to do it? Before 'one click publishing' I'd use C-Panel and delete or rename but I can't do it without c-panel as I can't access folders and files.


Last edit 10 years ago
User: Paul-RAGESW 10 years ago
HI Dan,

You can overwrite a website by publishing a new one however older files may still be online.

If you email us we can take the website offline.

We will be providing a feature to do this automatically in the future.

EverWeb Developer
User: dan y 10 years ago
A bit difficult to overwrite with only 1 domain pointed to Rage. I look forward to that feature in the future.

Easyweb now Everweb has come a long way since I signed on last May. You guys are amazing. Thanks for all your efforts.
User: Paul-RAGESW 10 years ago
A bit difficult to overwrite with only 1 domain pointed to Rage. I look forward to that feature in the future.

Sorry, just to clarify, you can overwrite a site but publishing to your existing domain from within EverWeb. You don't need another domain.

Easyweb now Everweb has come a long way since I signed on last May. You guys are amazing. Thanks for all your efforts.

Glad to hear you are liking EverWeb! We've got a lot of great new features planned for future releases too!

EverWeb Developer
User: Michael W. 8 years ago
Has the feature to unpublished easily been made yet?
User: Kelli K. 7 years ago
I would also like to know how to unpublish a site.

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