Viewing Mobile pages

Mobile pages

User: Kevin G. 10 years ago

I'm building my website and along side it I'm building a mobile version, it all works fine except for 2 mobile pages, when using my iPhone they are moved over to the left slightly.

What i tried was to copy a page that work and looks fine then altered it's contence to what it should show, but it still shows to the left side, I've checked the pages that look right setting in the inspector an the one that look wrong and everything matches, anyone know why this would happen?


User: Paul-RAGESW 10 years ago
What are the URLs of the webpages that aren't working?

EverWeb Developer
User: Kevin G. 10 years ago

And it's the home page, and if you click on the App Store icon the page that opens up.
User: Kevin G. 10 years ago
I found the problem if I use Stroke/Picture frame around the picture on both those pages the page would not expand to the full size of the mobile phone, take the picture frame out and all works fine.

Is this a bug that need looking at?

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