Viewing Images Folder

Images Folder

User: Simon C. 10 years ago
I am publishing to a folder. In this folder is an images folder and within that are folders for every page I've created.

In the "Home," folder in the images folder it appears to have kept a copy of every image I've added and subsequently deleted from my home page design. i.e. I have 8 images on my home page, but more than 212 images in the images folder. png files have multiple copies as well,not just jpegs.

Is that a browser thing or a glitch?

p.s. in my assets folder I have 10 images.

User: Christopher 10 years ago
Yeah this has been mentioned elsewhere...

rMBP 15", 2.6 Ghz, 16 GB RAM, OS X 10.11.6, with 27" Thunderbolt Cinema Display

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