Viewing How to duplicate a folder-site?

How to duplicate a folder-site?

User: Derek 10 years ago
Hi there.

I've composed a site, and I want to make a slightly different version of it,
but without throwing away the older version...I want to keep the two options.
How I do this without starting from scratch?
Can I duplicate somehow the folder with all the pages in it?
I've tried even to open "New Website" and to copy one page from
the old website to the new one and it doesn't work.
Actually even copying and pasting the content from one website project to another doesn't work.

Any help?

User: Paul-RAGESW 10 years ago
Hi Derek,

Open your Projects window in EverWeb and select the project you want to duplicate. Right click on it and select the Show on Disk option. Then you can duplicate it here. Keep in mind for this to work properly you will need the latest 1.1 beta version;

EverWeb Developer
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