Viewing Get my website ( to not point to an index

Get my website ( to not point to an index

User: Gwyn B. 10 years ago
Please help. My everweb site is publishing fine when I visit it from inside the program but when I type in ( it just takes me to the index page I have attached.

I've opened a ticket but so far no response. UGH!! Seriously thinking about crawling back to GoDaddy.

Screen Shot 2013-11-19 at 8.07.54 AM.png
User: Jumbo T. 10 years ago
First people complain that iWeb publishes a folder with the sitename.

Now they have a application that can publish to the root without a folder , and then they use a folder with the sitename and complain again.

Solution: leave the field with the sitename empty.

Or if you publish to a folder, copy the content of that folder to the server. Gives you that nostalgic iWeb feeling.


If you insist on having a folder, place an index.html file in the root with a redirect. Again, the iWeb way.

Last edit 10 years ago
User: Jumbo T. 10 years ago
BTW, My computer hasn't the 'Cachet Bold' and 'Cachet Book' fonts, so the top of the page and the menu looks a little warped.
User: Gwyn B. 10 years ago
Jumbo T, thanks for the update on the Cachet font. They told me it would work and clearly it's not. Second, I don't know what they hell you are talk about in your first response. I don't know anything about publishing to root folders or not. All I know is that when you type into a browser, like any normal human being would, it does not go to my site and I need to fix that.
User: Gwyn B. 10 years ago
Okay Jumbo, I got the first part of what you were saying. Thanks. I'm republishing now. Now just to work on the font issue.
User: Gwyn B. 10 years ago
Okay. Root index fixed. Can anyone check and see if the fonts are showing up as cachet?

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