Viewing ....paste a table from excel

....paste a table from excel

User: Kevin B. 10 years ago
I currently use iWeb but like the look of EverWeb, before I purchase I really need the facility to paste in tables from an excel spreadsheet, when I paste it in just now it appears as one clump of words not as a table. Can anyone help?
User: Roddy 10 years ago
Can you export it as a PDF or, better still, an HTML file?


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Martin K. 10 years ago
I have exactly the same problem. Using pdf doesn't work as even using the 'selection' option when saving the spreadsheet, when you try to paste it in the Everweb page there's extra space all around the selection so it won't fit the webpage properly. Using 'save as webpage' in Excel doesn't work at all, nothing can be pasted into the Everwebpage. Still looking for a solution, this is a deal breaker for me, I use Pasted spreadsheets into iWeb pages a lot..........
User: Kevin B. 10 years ago
I've been playing around again with it this morning but still can't find a solution, this is the only thing stopping me from buying this, it seems to be exactly what i'm looking for apart from this issue with pasting tables.
User: Martin K. 10 years ago
Kevin, try Paul's suggestion of pasting the spreadsheet into the webpage as an image using a cropped screen-dump - use keys command + shift + 3 to create the screenshot and crop the part you want. Copy and paste into the webpage. Best solution I've found so far....
User: Kevin B. 10 years ago
Doing a screenshot works but it means the text isn't searchable and its slow to load, it works but its not really an ideal solution unfortunately.
User: Roddy 10 years ago
Was the document content available as text for the search engine spiders when you pasted it into iWeb?

Can you post an example of an Excel doc in iWeb?


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Kevin B. 10 years ago
Sorry for the delay in getting back, no, when using iWeb it comes up as a picture as well but I really would like it to be text. The website in question is - - its just a football website but I have to keep everything in a spreadsheet and finding another way to get it into EverWeb as text would be great and enough to get me to buy!

I appreciate the time out you're taking to have a look at this.
User: Jumbo T. 10 years ago
If you create each table in a separate Excel sheet, save each sheet as a webpage and then display them with an iframe in a HTML Snippet you'll get this :