Viewing Can\'t get RSS widget to work

Can\'t get RSS widget to work

User: james 10 years ago
I drag it in, put in a working blog address that succeeds in the Sputnik desktop RSS receiver I downloaded for testing. But nothing happens when I test in browser. Is there anything I am missing?
User: Paul-RAGESW 10 years ago
Whats the RSS feed you are using?

EverWeb Developer
User: james 10 years ago
I'm new to this so I downloaded Sputnik and followed instructions, pasting in URL from a blog site I know posts RSS tags. It is:
This worked in Sputnik but not in EverWeb
User: Paul-RAGESW 10 years ago
That isn't an RSS feed url, it is a URL to a blog. The RSS feed URL is;

EverWeb Developer
User: james 10 years ago
Aha, said I was new to this. Sputnik must be able to search that out though, all I used was the url. Thank you very much. I'm like a kid again with what you guys are doing here. Been waiting for this.

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