Viewing Link title in the navigation bar to an external website?

Link title in the navigation bar to an external website?

User: Peter B. 10 years ago
How do I link one of my navigation bar buttons to an external website?
User: Rajashekar R. 10 years ago
Create a text box. Go to "Inspector," click on the Paperclip. Then enable "Enable as Hyperlink." Can't figure out how to do it any other way.
User: Paul-RAGESW 10 years ago
You can do this by creating a new blank page. It doesn't matter what is on the page.

In the Page Header section on the first tab in the Inspector enter this code;

Replacing with the external page.

Last edit 10 years ago

EverWeb Developer
User: Peter B. 10 years ago
Thanks. I was following another thread about the same topic and "Jumbo" sent me this:

Spot the difference :

http–equiv (wrong)
http-equiv (right)

When I corrected the code it worked.
If anyone else wants to try this use this:

not this:

or check the thread by "UncleTod" on the same subject

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