Viewing Image Gallery page numbers

Image Gallery page numbers

User: Richard W. 2 months ago
I have been re-doing my iWeb nature website for a long time now. Many pages have Image Galleries (Birds, Wildflowers, Moths, Insects, etc.). The pages created first have page numbers only on top. Since there are usually multiple pages of each category, I need page numbers on both top and bottom. Newer pages seem to have this. Older ones don’t. How do I ensure that there are page numbers both on top and bottom? Also, can I make the numbers larger…more prominent?
Thank you.
User: EverWeb Support 2 months ago
Hi Richard,

If you're referring to the pagination numbers at the bottom of the Image Gallery, you can adjust this in the inspector with the following steps:

1. Select the Image Gallery in question.
2. In the Inspector, go to the Widget Settings.
3. Under Pagination Settings, click on 'Show Pagination' and choose 'Top & Bottom.' This will ensure the pagination numbers appear at both the top and bottom of the gallery.
4. Just below this, you will find options to style the pagination.

Let us know how it goes!

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User: Richard W. 2 months ago
Thank you for the quick response. Now, how can the page numbers be more prominent (as with editing text)?
Is this possible?
User: Richard W. 2 months ago
Nevermind. I figured it out!
Thanks again.
User: Richard W. 2 months ago
HOWEVER, on some image galleries, I cannot get pagination to show. What to do?
User: Richard W. 2 months ago
Also, I presume that you need to have filled the page for pagination to shot (take effect). It might be useful to even indicate the number “1”, even if it’s only a single page.
User: Steve S. one month ago

I think you should try to ensure page numbers appear both at the top and bottom of your i Web image gallery pages you will need to manually add the page number text to the header and footer of each page. For older pages, you might need to update the layout by copying the header/footer format from newer pages or adjusting each page individually. Unfortunately i Web does not offer extensive options for styling so making the numbers larger or more prominent could be limited to basic text size adjustments.


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