Viewing A simple circle with a animated logo inside in center why is not possible with responsive row ?

A simple circle with a animated logo inside in center why is not possible with responsive row ?

User: Richard M. 2 years ago
I have a very simple thing to do !!!!! but it seems no

I have a simple circle, I want to put a animated logo inside (the logo must to be in the perfect center of the circle), I created 2 responsive Row, one for my circles and one for my logos, but now how to layer these two responsive Row ? it's impossible ? WHY ???????

It seems that it is easier to create a responsible site!! are you sure?
User: EverWeb Support 2 years ago
Hi Richard,

Thanks for reaching out.

In order to achieve what you would like, please consider uniting the logo and the circle in one file using software like photoshop. In a responsive site, you can't layer objects one above the other.

You can do so in centered layout, however.

If you would like to get personalized assistance, please open a support ticket with us.

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User: Richard M. 2 years ago
Hi and thanks for your reply, really ? what a pity, ok I can use a centered layout BUT I have some responsive widget to use, can I use responsive widget in a centered layout ?

Thanks for your reply.

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