Viewing Why the simple Copy and paste from another project doesn't works ?

Why the simple Copy and paste from another project doesn't works ?

User: Richard M. 2 years ago
Hi all,

I realized my first page in a distinct project and I tried to copy and paste on my website and it's a catastrophe 😩

I lost all my layout I have to rebuild all my website !!!!

Why a simple copy and past doesn't works ????????????????
User: EverWeb Support 2 years ago
Hi Richard,

Thank you for your question, and sorry for the issue you've experienced.
If you lost your recent changes, you can restore your project file from a backup and then copy the content from one project to another.
In the Projects Window, click on a small arrows ⇒ Restore from Backup ⇒ choose the file to restore.

You can also duplicate the project file and then just change the name of the file and make the content changes.
When you're copying the text and shapes from one project to another, then you'll need to re-add the images manually.

To copy it properly, you need to keep both projects opened side by side, and then you can copy and paste.
If you need further assistance with it, you can open a ticket with us, and we will help you to solve this.
Please let us know how it goes.

EverWeb Customer Support
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User: Richard M. 2 years ago
Hi and thanks but I don't understand anymore how works this software !!!! if I copy one by one it's ok, but if I copy all this is a désastre.

I have another problem, in EW all my logos are in CENTER but not in preview !!!!!!!!! does this soft is WYSIWYG ? I am not sure, I am very disappointed with this purchase.

I think there many bugs, I lost many time.
User: EverWeb Support 2 years ago
Hi Richard,

You can copy all together without any problems.
Please open a ticket with us, and we will provide you with the step-by-step instructions on how to do that properly.
You will need to send us the project files, so we could show you how that works.
Looking forward to your reply.

Last edit 2 years ago

EverWeb Customer Support
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User: Richard M. 2 years ago
Thanks for your reply but I think Everweb is not for me, very not intuitive and some bugs ! I lost 2 month works ! I am tired !

My website is VERY SIMPLE but it seems it's impossible to have responsive Widget in centered layout page, what a pity because I need this responsible widget, and when I put my logo in perfect center of the page, I don't have it in preview mode I DON'T UNDERSTAND how EW works.

And I can tell you that the Copy and past doesn't works, when I copy with the menu (all selections) from a project to another projects, Nothing happens.

Probably I don't understand how EW works, in which case it's not as simple as you say.

Thanks but I don't understand anything about how responsive pages work, it's not flexible at all and very rigid.

Best but sorry EW is too complicate for me, I use many other Engineering software, but I don't understand with EW.

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