Viewing Placement of objects in a responsive row

Placement of objects in a responsive row

User: Victor E. 2 years ago
I'm moving widgets from one responsive row to another by "embed in". And I have no idea where they go: sometimes in the beginning, sometimes in the middle, sometimes in the end. Also I can not rearrange them after the fact.

What am I missing here?
User: EverWeb Support 2 years ago
Hi Victor,

Thank you for reaching us.

After adding responsive rows, you can name them by clicking on it => Inspector => Widget Settings => Responsive Row Name. This will help a lot when embedding in objects/widgets.

To embed an object to a responsive row, right-click on the object => Embed in.

Let us know if you need any further assistance.

EverWeb Customer Support
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User: Victor E. 2 years ago
After embedding, how do I change the order in which there are placed?
User: EverWeb Support 2 years ago
Hi Victor,

You need to drag an object in Responsive row to change the order in which they are placed.

Let me know if any questions arise.

EverWeb Customer Support
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User: Victor E. 2 years ago
Please give more details because I can not drag the objects. Only the whole row. 1. Click on an object in the row, 2. "Pick Layer", 3 Try to drag the object, and the whole row moves.
User: wellnl 2 years ago
Hi Viktor

You should be able to drag and drop an object from one responsive row to another. When you click and drag the object, you should see either a blue line or blue rectangle when moving the object in to the target responsive row.

if that does not work for you then it may be an idea to screen record what you are doing then send this to support so they can pinpoint the problem


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